
Power Saver

In order to keep the quality of the products up to the mark, we check the entire range against varied quality parameters. We ensure on time distribution of wholesale as well as retail consignments owing to an extensive vendor, distributor and logistic facility base.

Most Suitable For

  • 1. Street Lights / Security Lighting
  • 2. Telecom Buildings
  • 3. Sub-Station Buildings
  • 4. Work Shops
  • 5. Pump Houses
  • 6. Software Units / Call Centers
  • 7. Hotels and Restaurants
  • 8. Commercial Complexes
  • 9. Food Processing units ….. and many more.
  • 1. Reduces heat generation in chokes, ballast and prevents energy loss and hazards
  • 2. We can also provide timing profile for enhanced power savings
  • 3. Power savings above 20% in discharge lighting.
  • 4. Uses imported, high quality raw material to get high efficiency of 99.5%
  • 5. Reduction in MDI
  • 6. Improves life of all equipment
  • 7. Uses Isolation shielding to suppress the harmonics and to give quality power to load
  • 8. Reduces maintenance cost up to 80%
  • 9. Eligible for accelerated depreciation benefit
  • 10. Pay back period is 8 to 12 months based on the conditions and usage.
  • 1. Input Three Phase POWER ON
  • 2. Digital energy meter
  • 3. Improves quality of power and enhances life of electrical gadgets
  • 4. Use latest technology to save power by optimum supply of power to various loads
  • 5. Employs reactive power management system and harmonics filtering system consisting of electronic circuits, special zig – zag inductors, hitech R.C. Circuits and essential switch gear systems
  • 6. Available in four models to suit requirements like lighting, motors, air conditioners and mixed loads
  • 7. Eliminates wastage of power in electrical circuits caused by super imposed power pollution
  • 1. Overload with MCB / MCCB
  • 2. Manual Bypass provision arrangement
  • 3. Short Circuit with MCB / MCCB
  • 4. Spike, Surges & RF Suppressers